Future of automotive industry
How is the automotive industry going to look in the future? Worldwide, it produced more than 97 million sophisticated vehicles in 2017 but is ot going on a full throttle in a dead end ?
but on the other hand they are characterised by a certain powerlessness! Prime examples of this are the statement of the boss of the development department of a legendary business group: „From a technical point of view, almost nothing more can be done about it“, the data falsification in connection with the exhaust gas scandal under the burden of technical difficulties as well as the decision of a leading analyst to now write, after many technical publications, novels about auto group scandals or Diesel versus Dracula.

Has the time of revolutionary changes in the structure of the thermal engine, which are measured by an abrupt decrease of the fuel consumption, come to an end more than 100 years ago
and are we left with an arduous improvement of the concepts of Stirling, Otto or Diesel pursued in small steps and with high financial costs? Has the heat transfer which Redtenbacher asked questions about still in 1856 not become a field of creative research after all?
But perhaps there are creative solutions after all...
For example, in the Audi 2.5-liter turbo five-cylinder high-performance engine TFSI which is annually winning the „International Engine of the Year Awards” contest in the cubic capacity range from 2 to 2.5 litres one could decrease the minimum specific fuel consumption of 225 g/kWh even more to 159.1 g/kWh and raise the useful efficiency from 37% to 52.3%, and this after deduction of losses in the generation of heat and of losses to the inherent mechanical resistance of the engine at its rated power, that is at the most challenging operating point.
In this regard, it is sufficient to apply two layers, which are thermally separated from the engine structure, to piston heads, to the head or integrally with the smooth inner surface of the cylinder and to limit the cooling. The first layer is made at TDC from a tungsten alloy (in an up to 1.22 cm wide strip, surface: 58 cm2, thickness: 0.07 mm). The second layer is made at BDC from an aluminium alloy (in an up to 1.22 cm wide whole strip, thickness: 0.09 mm). A similar applying of such layers at TDC (in a 1.36 cm wide strip, surface: 36.14 cm2, thickness: 0.11 mm) and at BDC (in an up to 1.18 cm wide strip, thickness: 0.15 mm) in another award winner, the BMW 2.0-liter twin turbo four-cylinder diesel engine, can decrease the minimum specific fuel consumption from 205 g/kWh to 139 g/kWh and raise the useful efficiency from 41.22% to 60.76%
The efficiencies will be even higher in case of the partial performances mostly used, as the energy portions transferred in the engines are smaller and the duration of transferring them is longer. These are only a few examples of the calculation of energy portions relating to theses of research projects under the title „Thermal activation of the combustion chamber of a reciprocating internal combustion engine” which have been accepted for publication by the scientific committee and then presented on the „11th International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass and Momentum Transfer” (ICCHMT 2018 – Cracow, 21 – 24 May) by Prof. Zbigniew J. Sroka, head of the Department of Automotive Engineering of the Wroclaw University of Technology, and Zbigniew Sadlak, IBS Munich.
How is such a sharp increase in the efficiency as mentioned above possible ?
How is such a sharp increase in the efficiency as mentioned above possible, when the theoretical efficiency of an ideal engine resulting from the Second Law of Thermodynamics amounts to 59.4% at an initial temperature of e.g. 2463 K and an end temperature of 1000 K? The authors propose to modify the thermal structure of the combustion chamber on basis of a method they have developed from a passive to an active combustion chamber. In the active combustion chamber, by means of cyclic withdrawal of a heat portion from the combustion chamber contents by the applied layers und returning a heat portion to the combustion chamber contents (a phenomenon already well known from the heat supply or in permafrost soils), the efficiency of the buffering of heat within the combustion chamber is added to the efficiency of the thermodynamic conversion. By „carnotization” of the thermodynamic conversion by means of excess heat from the explosive combustion of the fuel mixture (by the buffer layer at TDC) and the subsequent cyclic regeneration of anergy portions from the exhaust gases (by the buffer layer at BDC) a revolutionary improvement of the fuel utilisation in the active combustion chamber is achieved.

Thermodynamic systems of the piston chambers of
thermal engines following a Carnot draft:
a) – Carnot draft (1824),
b) – external combustion engine,
e.g. Newcomen (1712) or Stirling (1816),
c) – internal combustion engine, e.g. Reithmann (1873) and Otto (1876),
d) – thermally insulated combustion chamber, e.g.
Woschni (1986),
e) – Aks Active – authors proposal.
A – heat source, B – cold source (environment), C – cooler.
1 – thermal buffers of excess heat protecting the fuel against thermolysis, 2 – buffers transferring an anergy portion which is not consumed but is kinetically essential for obtaining the thermodynamic conversion, 3 – exergy consumer.
Modern technology
In contrast to costly investments as with the electric drives which are still afflicted with countless problems, the combustion chambers herein proposed might be a new alternative to reduce the harmful emissions of the manufactured vehicle fleets pursuant to the EU requirements utilising the actual performances and the existing potentials of the industry. The thermal activation of engines can decrease the average fuel consumption per 100 km for the vehicle fleet by e.g. about 2 dm3, that is reduce e.g. the emission of CO2 by more than 40 g/km. Thus there is a chance for meeting the requirements to reduce emissions under the pressure of market forces. On the German market, as indicated by the Federal German Motor Transport Authority (04.04.2018), because of losses in the diesel vehicle market and the rising demand for increasingly pompously equipped large vehicles and SUVs the level of emission of CO2 increased relative to the previous year by 0.8% to 128.7 g/km. According to EAA in the whole of the EU in 2017 a similar increase by 0.4 g/km to 118.5 g/km occured. However, the manufacturers risk severe penalties if they do not reduce the emissions of the fleet to less than 95 g/km by the year 2021.
EU commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska is already interested in the project of the active combustion chamber regarding the possibility of restricting emissions. Politicians and concerns will in future not be able to ignore the potential of this project, too.
The solutions of the active combustion chamber of a piston engine and a method for transferring heat in the combustion chamber presented here are already protected by the International Patent Application PCT/PL2017/000011. After successful introduction a dissemination of the project beyond the patent law e.g. in compulsory license proceedings seems to be unavoidable. He who acquires an exclusive license or at least exclusive negotiation rights with the holder of the project will therefore dictate the financial terms for others and will receive from sublicense holders significant profits without investing in an increase in production.
Future will show whether this will be one of the global players or a consortium thereof, e.g. Mazda with Toyota (by the third version of Skyactiv – competitive with the electric drive – Mazda is planning to solve the problem of excess heat and to raise the efficiency from 40% to 56%). Who knows whether this will be e.g. a Chinese market player or a specialised licence trade office? One thing is sure – he who gets involved in the game later or less resolutely will need to invest considerably more.
Automotive industry
a) On April 15, 2019, EU member states approved regulations stating that new cars in the EU in 2021 should not emit more than 95 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer, based on the fleet average.
b) Currently, the average fleet emissions of new cars in the EU are 118.5 g/km, while in Germany, it is 128.7 g/km. Manufacturers face penalties for exceeding these limits, with fines of €95 for every gram of CO2 above the standard per individual new vehicle. For example, in Germany, for an excess of 33.7g, the penalty is 33.7g x €95/g = €3,201 per vehicle.
c) According to the EU Parliament, the standard is set to be further reduced to 81 g/km by 2025, and below 60 g/km by 2030.
d) At the same time, the EU has, for the first time, introduced binding climate protection regulations for trucks and buses, requiring a 15% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2025, and a 30% reduction by 2030. According to experts, a 40-ton electric truck would need a 10-ton battery to cover a 1000 km route, accounting for one-quarter of the allowable payload.
e) According to the German Federal Statistical Office, German car manufacturers and suppliers produced 7.1% fewer vehicles in the second half of 2018 compared to the first half. One of the reasons for the production decline last year was the transition to the new WLTP emissions test and certification issues.
f) The example of Norway, which has no highway network, generates electricity from hydropower, and enjoys a strong economy not reliant on the automotive industry, is inspiring populist politicians in other countries to make unrealistic demands and promises.
g) Electric drivetrains require costly investments and still face many challenges, such as vehicle range, infrastructure, and associated issues.
g) The operational parameters of batteries and the availability of raw materials also pose challenges, as well as the threat of drastic reductions in jobs.
h) According to a January 10, 2019, analysis by the Umweltbundesamt – the German Federal Environment Agency, currently, an electric car approved for road use produces 16–27% less CO2 emissions overall (from production through operation to disposal) compared to a comparable combustion engine vehicle. Considering the normal development of vehicle technology and energy sources, this difference is expected to grow to 32–40% by 2025. Therefore, combustion vehicles equipped with revolutionary AKS could match or even surpass electric vehicles in terms of environmental performance, especially in countries where electricity is not as „clean” as in Germany.
i) In December, automotive companies criticized the new EU guidelines as excessive and unrealistic, stating that it is unclear whether they can even be met given current technology and knowledge. If it were to be achieved by producing additional zero-emission electric vehicles, according to calculations by the Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA), these vehicles would need to make up about 40% of the manufacturer’s entire fleet. In Germany, for instance, with 5.6 million vehicles produced annually, this would require the production of over 2.2 million electric vehicles each year.
j) In recent years, some manufacturers, overwhelmed by technical difficulties, falsified data, which is now the subject of criminal and compensation proceedings. Currently, companies are preparing to push for the relaxation of standards, aided by their involvement in electric vehicle production.

An unexpected solution to the escalating dispute could be the Polish invention, AKS ACTIVE
The Active Combustion Chamber (AKS) is a Polish invention that thermally enhances combustion engines by applying active layers in the combustion chambers. This can reduce fuel consumption in vehicles from, for example, 6 dcm³ to below 4 dcm³ per 100 km and lower CO2 emissions by over 45 g/km.
Scientific publications:
a) 41st International Vienna Motor Symposium
„CO₂ Emission Standards as a Challenge for the Thermal Activation of Combustion Chambers in Internal Combustion Engines”
b) Materials from the 11th International Conference on Computational Heat, Mass, and Momentum Transfer (ICCHMT 2018) – Kraków, May 2018.
c) Journal of Thermal Science 27(5), 449-455 DOI 10.1007/s11630-018-1039-7, under the title „Thermal Activation of the Combustion Chamber of a Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engine,” following a distinguished recommendation from the ICCHMT Scientific Committee.
Both the ICCHMT Scientific Committee and the editorial board of the Journal of Thermal Science only accept materials that are entirely novel (and, of course, consistent with current knowledge). This means that two independent international teams of scientists have confirmed that the AKS solutions are unknown, not only according to the state of technology but also according to the state of scientific knowledge. Therefore, the presented engineering calculations regarding fuel consumption reduction are credible and consistent with science, making the patent acquisition almost certain.
From the Organizing Committee:
The Austrian Society of Automotive Engineers (ÖVK) is pleased to offer „virtual participation” in the 41st International Vienna Motor Symposium despite the cancellation of the event due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to the complete printed congress documents, all lectures and further information are also available for all virtual participants to download online.
The Patent Office of the Republic of Poland
Application No. P.419959 – supplementary patent, decision on granting the patent.
Scientific Committee of the 11th ICCHMT Conference (Krakow, May 2018) Confirmation by world-renowned scientists of the AKS principle, which allows for the overcoming of the Carnot limit. Recognition of the scientific exceptionalism of the AKS project.
Meeting of the AKS working group with the research team specializing in layer deposition technology. Establishment of collaboration for the modification of the research engine. Scientific supervision by:
Head of Department
Prof. Andrzej Ambroziak, PhD, DSc, Eng.
Department of Materials Science, Strength of Materials, and Welding
Department of Plastic Forming, Welding, and Metrology
Wrocław University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Meeting of the AKS working group with the management and research team of the BOSMAL Automotive Research and Development Institute in Bielsko-Biała, Poland. Agreement on the modification and testing of the FCA (FIAT) 1.3 SDE 70/75 H diesel engine produced in Bielsko-Biała.
„20% Less Fuel Consumption? Poles Challenge the EU”
Article in Polish media. Onet Studio.
Patent in India have been granted