Publications in renowned scientific journals.
AASCIT Journal of Physics
American Journal of Mechanics and Applications
Asia-Pacific Journal of Physics
Internetional Journal of Fluid Mechanics & Thermal Sciences
SCI Chemistry, z dołączoną oceną AKS
Journal of Thermal Science 27(5), 449-455 DOI 10.1007/s11630-018-1039-7.4. AASCIT Journal of Physics.
Scientific Committee of the Conference 11th ICCHMT (Kraków, May 2018).
Confirmation by world scientists of the AKS principle, which allows for surpassing the Carnot limitations. Recognition of the scientific uniqueness of the AKS project.
A scientific article on AKS, developed by the scientific consultant Prof. Zbigniew Sroka, Ph.D., D.Sc., head of the Department of Vehicle Engineering at Wrocław University of Science and Technology, has been recognized by international teams of scientists.
"We have reviewed your valuable article titled "Thermal Activation of the Combustion Chamber of a Piston Internal Combustion Engine," which was published in the Journal of Thermal Science, and the subject of the work made a strong impression on us. It attracted the attention and interest of researchers and scholars specializing in this field." SCI Chemistry
41th International Vienna Motorsymposium
Basis for expected success of AKS